Anthropological Fieldwork

in Argentina:

An Exhibit Curated by Students

Thursday, December 15 until Friday, December 23

Open from 12:30 to 18:00

In July 2022, a group of twelve Anthropology students traveled to the northern Province of Formosa, Argentina (near the border with Paraguay), to participate in an Anthropological Fieldwork Training course. The objective of the course was to gain experience in applied anthropological research methods by working with indigenous communities. These communities strive to protect their natural environment and cultural heritage while trying to pursue their livelihoods in a sustainable manner.

During the Autumn term, students curated an exhibit with handicrafts produced by aboriginal communities that they brought from Argentina. Anthropological Fieldwork training in Argentina was supported by a generous grant from JICUF.

The exhibit will run from Thursday, December 15 until Friday, December 23; and it will be open from 12:30 to 18:00.

Please stop by for our opening event on Thursday, December 15 at 12:40 (during lunch break), and try mate tea and chipá bread prepared by the students.